Gary Kovar

Gary Kovar

In 1999 Gary discovered Server Side Includes and the web was never the same (for him anyway). An ardent DIY-er in nearly all things, he is deeply intimidated by cooking and if found on a desert island would likely remark “I’m so over sashimi”. In college his frequent network disruptions warranted a dorm-visit from the IT department.

Gary dipped his toe in the water by attending his first WordCamp in Tampa on a whim. Blown away by the diversity of people, opinions, and technical ideas he now has a bucket list of websites and techniques he’d like to bathe in.
His current side-project has him working with multiple writers that are way too involved with their content to realize he’s just making this up as he goes.

Proud father of 2 and happily married for 14 years he prefers the last line of his bio to read like an obituary.
