For Random Learning Comes

For Random Learning Comes, Essays Fiction and Poetry by Andrea LeDew

Andrea LeDew is a homeschooling mom of two young men, one of whom has autism. She has lived for a year in Germany, graduated law school, and worked for a few years as a lawyer. For the past twenty-odd years, she has been busy raising four children, now mostly grown, right here in Jacksonville. She writes flash fiction, punctilious and often political rhyme, and messy, rambling essays about homeschooling, parenting a child with a disability, and occasionally, WordPress. She is active in the local WordPress group, WPJax and this his her second year on the organizing committee for WordCampJax. In both positions, she helps get the word out on various social media channels. Her interest include public gardens, travel, languages, education and, of course, reading and writing. Come visit her blog For Random Learning Comes at