Modern Agile: What it means for you, the WordPress Users

In the age where more and more organizations are adopting Agile as an approach to delivering better software products faster, Agile has been a huge buzz word. Modern Agile is a concept that takes many different areas into account, not just software development. With over 4 years helping software development teams and non-technical people become awesome, Seye introduces Modern Agile and iterative design to developers, users, business people and individuals. Modern Agile has four principles: Making People Awesome, Delivering Value Continuously, Experimenting and Learning Rapidly, Making Safety A Prerequisite.

We will be raising questions and suggesting answers to:

  • How do we make customers awesome?
  • How do we make ourselves awesome?
  • How can you improve yourself and your business through experimenting?
  • How can we make safety a prerequisite for both business and personally
  • How can we focus on value; and value delivery.
  • How can we use iterative approaches for all of the above.
