ADA Compliance For Your Website. The case for accessibility.

If you had the opportunity to engage potential customers that previously could not access your business, would you consider that a good move? I believe most business owners would agree, if the cost to engage the potential customers did not exceed the potential return on investment.

Updating your website to make it accessible to individuals with disabilities does not require a significant investment and taking that step may set you apart from your competition. Besides, why wouldn’t you want your website accessible to everyone? What if this smart marketing move protected you against a nuisance lawsuit for ADA website compliance? Your ROI just increased exponentially!

The goal of the interactive presentation is to provide business owners awareness of the ADA compliance issue and offer steps they can take to improve their own website. A few preventative steps now, can prevent the stress and cost associated with a lawsuit, later.

Presentation takeaways:

Awareness- Most professionals we speak to about ADA compliance for their website have no idea they should pay attention to this issue. Websites need to be just as accessible as the physical place of business. Our goal is to illustrate the most common accessibility issues of business websites.

Accessibility Policy Development- An Accessibility Policy is not a complex endeavor and it will provide an opportunity to gain a positive return for business.

Hands On Participation- We will ask for volunteers that want to have their website evaluated “live” as part of the interactive presentation.
