Data-Driven Marketing with WordPress

Does this quote resonate with you…

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

Given the amount of data available today, you need to know what marketing endeavors are working for your business. With this information, you will be able to focus the marketing budget toward what is working and identify where things need to be changed.

In this talk, you will learn:

How to measure your success with online marketing
Common goals for internet marketing campaigns
Ways to connect goals to KPI and ROI
How to avoid common technical challenges
Places to go for more information, guidance, and support
If you are confused by online marketing, you need to start with a foundation based on making decisions using data.

You know that other businesses are using online marketing to generate sales, find leads, and increase revenue. However, it’s difficult to figure out what works with content marketing, SEO, PPC, social media, and everything else. Some people suggest they know the “secret” to online marketing, and it turns out they only know how to help you get more followers and likes. Unfortunately, you can’t pay the bills with likes on Facebook.

This talk will show you how to move beyond likes, shares, and clicks to improve the bottom line for your business.
